Sunday, August 3, 2008

Thing #10

What a fun activity! I teach at Memorial High School hence the mustang. This was made on the Image Chef site. I tried all of the others and feel I can use all of them. This one is from Comic Strip Generator:

I made this sign using Custom Sign Generator:

I viewed a number of animations that were humorous and somewhat linked to biology. One in particular was about an insect, very cute; however, I do not know how pertinent it will be in the classroom. The clip is located at

All of the other signs could be used in PowerPoints or ActivBoard flipcharts. Students could also produce some of these images as part of assignments if they link to the topic being covered.


Nice Guy said... (clickable linkage)

JAMS said...

I hope you didn't think I had a problem with the site. I really like it and can't imagine being able to make so many on your own. I appreciate your creativity.